

A non-traditional holiday tree with a unique installation that combines three values – sustainability, the future, and education – is available for viewing in the courtyard of the Space Education Center.

Tree today, foundation tomorrow! Student today, astronaut tomorrow...

With pride, we present the holiday tree at the Space Education Center, which is not traditional in appearance but built with an innovative installation, what we call the CosmoTree. Created in collaboration with the Cēsis-based company SIA “Metālu pasaule,” this unique installation symbolizes sustainability, a vision for the future, and cyclical thinking, becoming a bright message for both today and tomorrow.

The Special Message of the Installation!

The CosmoTree is made from recyclable materials that will be returned to the recycling process after the holiday season. The core idea is cyclical thinking, encouraging responsible use of resources, so they can serve multiple times, creating a sustainable future.

Mission of the Installation – “Tree today, foundation tomorrow”
This reflects the idea that today’s curious students are the ones who lay the foundations for future space exploration. It is not just a holiday decoration but also an educational symbol of the importance of knowledge and collaboration in building a sustainable society.


The CosmoTree Combines 3 Key Values:

Sustainability: using materials that are suitable for reuse and recycling.
Inspiration for the Future: the rods that shine in the holiday decorations today will become part of the new building’s foundation, symbolizing growth and future potential.
Education: this installation inspires students to treat knowledge as a foundation for building future achievements in space.
The CosmoTree is on display in the courtyard of the Space Education Center, offering not only aesthetic enjoyment but also the opportunity to learn how small, deliberate actions today can form the foundation for great achievements tomorrow.
